Short Wave Modules

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This page shows a collection of SWM products.

Short Wave Modules was active as a Dutch Manufacturer of Hamradio Equipment between approximately 1975 to 1982. 

Company Members were: Mr. K.Wolffers, John PA0PJG (Silent Key), Fokko PA0DTL and Roel PA0DX (ex PA0JTA)

2-m Transverter

2mtr Transverter F Input: 144-146Mhz 
F Output: 28-30Mhz RF Output: 1 watt

2mtr_Transverter_front.jpg (44470 bytes)  VFO

12Mhz VFO (for 2mtr transmitters) VFO tuning range: 12,000 - 12,167 Mhz Modulation input: FM

12mhz_vfo_front.jpg (35038 bytes) 12mhz_vfo_rear.jpg (31456 bytes)
Module Wiring Diagram

SWM diagram How to connect each SWM model

 SWM_diagram.jpg (47411 bytes) Speech

Speech Processor Can be used as a microphone preamplifier, with speech processing technics. 

For use with SWM models: VFO 12x Multiplier 12Mhz Oscillator

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Active Filtering for freq.spectrum limiting.  

2-m PA

10W amp linear (AM/CW/FM/SSB) for 2mtrs (144-146Mhz) Input: 1 watt Output: 10 watt

10W_amp.jpg (47545 bytes)  70-cm Converter

70cm Converter 
F Input: 430-432Mhz 
F Output: 144-146Mhz 

Double plated Silver pcb Hot Carrier Diode mixing principle 

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12Mhz Xtal Oscillator For Xtal controlled 2mtr transmitters Xtal freq's: 12,000 - 12,167 Mhz Modulation Input: FM

12mhz_xtalosc.jpg (24857 bytes)  70-cm Pre-amplifier      70cm_preamp.jpg (46216 bytes) 

12x Multiplier Multiplier (12 times) for VFO and Xtal Oscillator (as mentioned above) to produce signals on 144-146Mhz. 

12x_multiplier.jpg (47512 bytes)

RF Output: 1 watt Final transistor: 2N4427 

70-cm to 2-m Transverter

70cm Linear Transverter (printed circuit version, without cabinet/enclosure) for AM/CW/FM/SSB 
F Input: 430-432Mhz 
F Output: 144-146Mhz RF Output: 1 watt 

Used Technics: HF Vox Double sided silver plated Skottky Diode Ringmixers Toroids Stripline technics Stripline Transistors High Stability Xtals

70cm_Transverter.jpg (89258 bytes)
2-m Converter

2mtr Converter
F Input: 144-146 Mhz
F Output: 28-30 Mhz
Nf: < 2,8dB
(1,8 Kto)

2mtr_conv.jpg (39088 bytes) 70-cm to 2-m Transverter
in Enclosure
70cm_Transverter_front.jpg (44513 bytes)
Front View
70cm_Transverter_rear.jpg (96319 bytes)
Rear View


2mtr Preamp
F Input: 144-146Mhz 
F Output: 144-146Mhz  Forward Gain: 12dB Nf: < 2,2dB

2mtr_preamp.jpg (45665 bytes) 
Gold-double plated pcb

General Coverage SW Receiver

Receiver is based on the Barlow Wadley system


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 Morse ID-

Computer CallCallsign Generator by use of EEPROM Outputs: 1) DC (to control a Relay) or 2) 

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1750Hz tone Adjustable: wordlength and repeat-time


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© Copyright 2002-2010 VE6AQO & DL9BBR & PA0DX